Microbursts of eLearning was founded by Nancy Kissinger, who brings over 25 years of experience in areas of Human Resources and Talent Development.  Nancy is a public speaker, coach, consultant, content designer, author and has facilitated in-person training to groups ranging in size from 10 to over 500.  

If you’re looking for ways to develop your people, we offer you an easy way of getting your hands on pre-designed, content-ready, and editable training materials as quick as a download!

Benefits to your company:

Increased engagement and job satisfaction of employees – offering moments of learning opportunities to your employees is key to strengthening their skills, bringing them up to a higher level of confidence and performance, and increasing the likelihood of engagement and job satisfaction.

Materials are cost effective – instead of hiring or contracting instructional designers to create training moments for your staff, invest in our best-in-class, contemporary, content-ready, customizable training tools! No membership fees, no minimum order

Easy branding and customization – content and materials can be modified to fit your brand. No locked editing and no copyrighting clauses or fees to consider.  Easy to download and ready to use!

Microbursts of eLearning looks forward to helping you grow your people … and your business!