
Customizable Interview Guide which includes 18 behavioral-based questions and a rating grid!

Effective interviewing is an important step in the employee selection process. If conducted strategically, the interview enables you to determine if an applicant’s skills, experience, and personality meet your company’s job requirements.



Customizable Interview Guide which includes 18 behavioral-based questions and a rating grid!

An interview guide also ensures fairness and consistency — and helps you maintain a legal hiring process – by ensuring that all interviewers are ask prescribed and agreed-upon questions. It will build confidence among job candidates that they are being evaluated on their abilities.

Behavioral interviewing is an interview technique that focuses on a candidate’s past experiences, behaviors, knowledge, skills and abilities by asking the candidate to provide specific examples of when he or she has demonstrated certain behaviors or skills.

This form has been designed to guide an interviewer through the interview process, such that they can understand the candidate’s way of thinking, how they reached a solution, what was the impact of their actions, and how others perceived them.

By hiring the right person, you cultivate the best workforce for your clients, customers, and your business.


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